Which Type of Pump is Best for Your Water Well?

Obtaining water from your own private well is a privilege that also comes with significant responsibilities. One such responsibility is maintaining a pump that allows your well to function efficiently and deliver the water your family relies upon. Since your home has unique needs, you want a pump that is perfectly tailored to your well’s size, design, and function. Once the right pump has been installed, you can access fresh, clean water with a simple turn of the faucet.

Submersible Pumps

Submersible pumps are by far the most popular among homeowners because they are versatile and offer superb efficiency. These types of pumps are available with different levels of horsepower, which directly influences how much water can be pumped from what depths. Since submersible pumps are immersed in well water, they stay cool and can offer a longer life expectancy than other pump models.

Jet Pumps

Jet pumps can be used in shallow or deep well settings and are often used for homeowners with fluctuating water tables. While a shallow jet pump can lift water about 20 to 25 feet, a deep well jet pump uses two pipes to raise water from depths greater than 40 or 50 feet. In both cases, the motor and pump themselves are not immersed in the water but located in a separate housing close to the well.

Pressure Systems

Whether you use a submersible or jet pump for your well, there is no doubt that you want to enjoy consistent and full water pressure every time you wash the dishes or take a shower. A pressure system makes that possible by monitoring the pressure in the pump system and adjusting pump speed to maintain a steady pressure output. With the right pressure system, you can enjoy all the benefits of private well water with the strong, reliable pressure of city water.

AquaTech Well Drilling and Pumps serves all of Northwest Washington with expert well, pump, and irrigation services. Whether you need a new pump for your well or want to install a state-of-the-art pressure system, the experts at AquaTech can provide the high-quality services you need in order to access clean, fresh, and healthy water in your home or business. Call (360) 474-7980 to learn more.